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The American Chamber of Commerce is extending this invitation to FCA Members to one of their events at their own members rate:
Global Leaders Series with Stephen Roach, Chairman, Morgan Stanley Asia
According to Stephen Roach, the current Asia remains very much an export machine, with auxiliary fuel provided by capital investment. It's a supply-oriented growth model that leaves Asia heavily dependent on external demand from others, making its role as a new engine of growth in a post-crisis world far more fragile than many believe. Mr. Roach will outline his roadmap for a post-crisis economy with a special focus on global and Asian imbalances. Notwithstanding the globalization debate, U.S.-China trade tensions and various recovery headwinds, he argues that Asia can lead and provide a new source of growth for a global economy - if and only if it becomes better balanced, drawing increased support from internal private consumption.
If you are interested DO NOT register with the FCA secretariat but with the AmCham directly
Click here to register.
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