Foreign Correspondents Association of Singapore

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FCA Briefing: APEC China 2014 - Economic Trends and Priorities in the Asia-Pacific Region

  • 01 Apr 2014
  • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

    35 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Singapore 119616 (NUS)

  • 10:30 am
  • NIL

This event is for Members only.

FCA will be holding a briefing with Dr Alan Bollard, APEC Secretariat, Executive Director; Dr Denis Hew, APEC Policy Support Unit Director; and Quynh Le, Analyst, APEC Policy Support Unit to discuss APEC China 2014 and how the future of Asia-Pacific parnership will take shape.

Topics of the Q&A session will include, amongst others:

- The latest regional and global trade and economic developments

- The outlook for Asia-Pacific cooperation, economic recovery and long-term growth

- Priorities for collaboration between APEC member economies during China's year as chair in 2014

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