Foreign Correspondents Association of Singapore

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Talk with BG Goh Kee Nguan

  • 15 Mar 2005
  • Goodwoord Park Hotel, Tudor Room
  • 6:45pm
  • $25

This event is for Members only.

Members of the Foreign Correspondents Association are invited to attend a presentation by BG Goh Kee Nguan - Singapore Armed Forces. Mr. Goh was in charge of the relief operation in Aceh and will share his view on "Tsunami Relief Operations - Lessons for the Singapore Army."

The event is organized by the Swiss Business Association after their AGM and will start at 18.45.

A dinner buffet will be served and FCA members who would like to attend will be charged $25 (payment at the entrance).

Those wanting to attend should notify Manfred Rist at 94752400 (by Monday, March 14)

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