Foreign Correspondents Association of Singapore

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Exclusive FCA-SFA tour of St John's Island and Sustenir

  • 01 Dec 2021
  • Meet at Marina South Pier (8:15am)
  • 8:15am to 4pm
  • Nil

FCA journalists are invited to an exclusive tour of the Singapore Food Agency’s major projects on St John’s Island in conjunction with the “30 by 30” initiative to build up Singapore’s agri-food industry’s capability and capacity to produce 30% of the country’s nutritional needs locally and sustainably by 2030.

Major highlights include a visit to the Marine Aquaculture Centre and aqua-tech companies located at St John's Island, followed by a briefing on the Singapore Food Story and Q&A session with the SFA Chairman after a lunch break, ending off with a visit to Sustenir, an urban farm.

The tour will abide by all Safe Management Measures of the locations visited and only fully vaccinated members who have not been overseas in the two weeks prior (17-30 Nov) will be able to join the tour. The TraceTogether mobile app is required to check in and out of facilities and face masks are to be worn at all times (except during lunch).

Participating members are also strongly encouraged to wear long pants as there will be a lot of movement while at St John's Island in the morning. Clean Suits will be provided and required for all visitors entering the farm – please estimate your size* – in general, XL would be best suited for tall and broad people.

To sign up for this exclusive tour with limited slots, please email your following details directly to the FCA Secretariat at by this Thursday 25 Nov 2021

(1) Name

(2) Media Outlet

(3) Designation

(4) ID Type (NRIC/FIN/Passport/Others)

(5) ID Number

(6) Citizenship (Singapore/Permanent Resident/Other)

(7) Email

(8) Mobile number

(9) Vaccination Status (Vaccinated/Unvaccinated)

(10) Been overseas during the period 17-30 Nov 2021 (Yes/No)

(11) Clean Suit size*

We will ballot the names and confirm with you on whether you have secured a spot, by Friday morning. For those successful, please do make every effort to attend as you'll be taking a much coveted spot from someone else.

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